Wednesday, September 29, 2010

A first nine-week’s assessment of Kindergarten

So, Cooper, do you love kindergarten?
“Mmm, Uhh, yeah, but no. But I tell people yes. I really just want to go home and snuggle.”
What is your favorite thing about school so far?
"Recess and Nap."
What is your least favorite thing about school so far?
Who do you sit by at lunch?
"It‘s not always the same person every day. And that’s ok with me."
Who do you play with at recess?
"Jacob, Reed and sometimes Trayden."
Do you have to run from the girls?
“I run from Dillon, Gabby, Madison, Skylin, and that’s all.”
What was the best part about your day today?
"Well, it is usually always nap and recess. I just like it."
Is there anything that you miss about Pre-K?
“Hmm…Coloring, I do. We don’t color so much in Kindergarten.”
Do you like show and tell?’
“I love it.”
Why do you love it?
“Cause you get to show stuff.”
What was your favorite show and tell?
“The H, when I brought Daddy’s old hat. The first hat he got when he played major league.”
Have you gotten your name on the board yet?
“No. I got a bunch of warnings, though.”
Have you gotten a naughty note?
“No. You only get a naughty note if you get two or one marks by your name. Then you get a naughty note.”
Have you been put on the time line?
“Just once.”
What is the time line?
“There’s two lines that ain’t the time line, and the middle is the time line.”
What does it mean if you are on the time line?
“Then you get in trouble and go put your head on the wall.”
Why were you on the time line?
“For picking up Skylin and she was picking up me.”
There you have it, folks. One nine-weeks down, 51 more to go.
And that’s All in a day’s work!

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